Monday 21 January 2013

Initial ODROID-U2 BOINC thoughts...

So I'm starting to build up the ODROID-U2 page. I managed to find a pre-built image of Debian "wheezy" over at This made life easier as it means I can use the same project binaries I built on the Raspberry Pi (Raspbian wheezy).

To compare the difference in performance between the Raspberry Pi and the ODROID-U2 running BOINC tasks, here's some stats:

1) Time difference between theSkyNet POGS fit task on single CPU:

Raspberry Pi @ 950 MHz ~ 120 minutes.
05:40:13 (17261): wrapper: running fit_sed (1 filters.dat observations.dat)
07:51:11 (17261): wrapper: running fit_sed (2 filters.dat observations.dat)

ODROID-U2 @ 1.7GHz ~ 30 minutes.
19:46:09 (6657): wrapper: running fit_sed (1 filters.dat observations.dat)
20:17:02 (6657): wrapper: running fit_sed (2 filters.dat observations.dat)

2) BOINC benchmark tests:

Raspberry Pi @ 950 MHz
18-Jan-2013 13:15:20 [---]    325 floating point MIPS (Whetstone) per CPU
18-Jan-2013 13:15:20 [---]    1301 integer MIPS (Dhrystone) per CPU

ODROID-U2 @ 1.7GHz
21-Jan-2013 19:39:46 [---]    969 floating point MIPS (Whetstone) per CPU
21-Jan-2013 19:39:46 [---]    3977 integer MIPS (Dhrystone) per CPU


  1. I wonder ...

    I wonder if it would be possible to create a virus that infected payment cards (e.g. credit and debit cards) so that they ran BOINC ...

    Just wondering ...


    1. "ODROID-U2 @ 1.7GHz 969 floating point MIPS (Whetstone) per CPU"

      Seems a bit on the low side? My 3 show ...
      U2: 1436.4
      U2a: 1422.86
      U2b: 1443.62

      I know that any measure of an ARM SoC is pretty flakey but +/- 68% of my average is a bit odd.

      I wonder if termerature is a factor? (Here I run them at 21C ambient and each has a fan blowing over the board & heatsink fins.)

    2. I've yet to optimize the system as I've been busy the last couple days. E.g. Optimized compiled BOINC, scaling governer tweaks, etc... Those values are "out of the box" default BOINC unoptimized package build benchmarks.

      How is your system configured, maybe you can share your U2 build with us here?

    3. Hi Daniel.

      Go over to and check my posts. Specifically but not exclusively

      All the best, Ray

    4. Hey Ray

      Thanks for the info...

      Ah yes, the NativeBOINC version on Android is fairly optimized. My build concentrates on implementation using Debian Linux. I'm going to be loading up my second U2 with Android when I have some time.

      The actual client applications are the ones I'm concerned about. I need to recompile them for better performance on armv7l platform.



  2. OK, Daniel. I geddit.

    It's a pity RPi uses bloatware?

    So it's Android for me in the near future.

    FWIW all the BOINC results for my RPi are on a 1st-gen 256k Model B board. I fogot to add that so I'll post this elsewhere as clarification.

    1. Quote:- It's a pity RPi uses bloatware?
      That was a (bad) joke BTW.

      Anyway, my little mini farm* of ODROID devices just pushed 20K BOINC credits in the last 24 hours ... all run Android FWIW ... see

      * 1 ODROID-X, 4 ODROID-U2s. Yep 20 SoC's. When I hit a certain target in about 16 days they will all go over to MW@H, crunching for science on around 10 watts per device or 50 watts total 100% utilisation, 100% cpus, 24/7 and run deltaT** pretty cool.

    2. Haha, no worries. Great stats by the way!

    3. Ray, if you read this, I'm just curious about your 5V set-up for all your little crunchers. At the moment I've got a really dodgy set-up with PC power supplies. I'd be interested to see what you're doing. Do you have some specs and pictures you feel like sharing?

      Sorry if you've linked this before and I missed it.

    4. I know - right? Awesome.

      (Best read aloud in the American idiom.)

      And FWIW that shoud read 20 CPUs on 5 SoC's. My bad. See also

    5. I kinda anticipated that ... see previous posts, everywhere, about "that" 5v socket on the ODROID*. Anyway:-

      5V 10A PSU - Ebay item 110923861995
      Plugs - Maplin (UK only?) Product code L43AY. (I tried complete cables sourced elsewhere for peanuts - I got monkeys!)

      HTH, Ray
      (* The ODROID would work out MUCH cheaper for everyone and be 100% reliable with a simple solder joint power source. Fuse it always!)

    6. PS ... is the fully fused distribution board I made for the 5V 10A PSU. Each output has a 2.5A slow-blow fuse (all Maplin items BTW) to each ODROID.


      And there's more coming ...

    7. See also -

      HTH, Ray

    8. One more thing. I think you should be blogging about your experiences! Some of the stuff you're doing is really awesome.



  3. FWIW I've posted a couple of messages on the U2 forum about power vs multiple U2s & recovering an SD card.

  4. Thanks Daniel.

    I cherry pick - when I see genius I help all I can.

